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Tag: natural energy

Dandelions are free salad greens and are at the top of my list of great detox foods. Dandelion greens support the liver, gallbladder, colon, and kidneys as a natural diuretic and a mild laxative. You can eat dandelion greens for...
As the holiday season approaches and life seems to ramp up a notch, it can feel like our bodies don’t have enough energy to do it all. This can lead to holiday season stress and anxiety which is something...
We have all experienced that mid-afternoon slump. You start to feel your eye lids droop and you contemplate taking a little nap at your desk. If this is happening to you, try some of the following foods to give...
Green Smoothies are a big part of our lives,  we make them every morning after we have a few glasses of water. If you want to improve your health, lose weight, tone up, clear your skin or have more...