10 Minute Raw Peach Cobbler

Raw Vegan Peach Cobbler Dessert
Raw Vegan Peach Cobbler Dessert

Any time we venture out to a market I admire the raw foods section and fun dessert recipes chefs come up with. It’s amazing how expensive some of the menu items can be, even still my creative side rarely permits me to walk away without testing them out for myself and finding ways to improve not only the flavour but also the quality of ingredients.

For example, any time I see someone using agave syrup I automatically substitute it for something of higher quality like dates or coconut nectar and sometimes grade B maple syrup. I use himalayan salt instead of sea salt (which we’ll get into another time) and I omit corn and soy from the recipes I design.

While we were at a local market the other day, I noticed they had a beautiful looking raw apple pie. I’m not sure what their ingredients were but it looked amazing and I was totally inspired to create an easy, and less expensive cobbler recipe that we can all enjoy together. If you’re short on time and want to dazzle your family’s or your own taste buds – try this one out and let me know what you think! This will literally take you 10 minutes to whip together.


  • 1/2 cup walnuts
  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 5-8 medjool dates (soaked for 5-10 minutes)
  • 1 tsp. ceylon cinammon
  • 1/4 tsp. himalayan salt
  • 2-4 Organic Peaches, thinly sliced or another fruit of your choice.
Raw Vegan Peach Cobbler Fruit Filling
Raw Vegan Peach Cobbler Fruit Filling


Put soaked dates in the food processor once they become soft. You don’t want them to be very hard, but you don’t want to over soak them to the point of being mush either. 5-10 minutes should do the trick. Pulse your dates until they are a fine consistency, in very small little chunks. Take your date mixture and place in a bowl. Now, add your walnuts & almonds and pulse again in the food processor until you have very finely ground chunks. Pour your nut mixture over the dates and massage together, you’ll get a nice crumble!

Assembly & Storage:

Slice your peaches and place them in a bowl, take your crumble and sprinkle generously over your peaches or fruit of choice. If you like, you can sprinkle on a bit of himalayan salt and a tsp. of grade B maple syrup to finish. Serve and enjoy immediately.

You can store the crumble in the fridge for up to a week and you can slice your fresh fruit in the moment to make a crumble any time.

Raw Vegan Peach Cobbler
Raw Vegan Peach Cobbler


Sheleana Aiyana