Boost Your Immune System to Fight Stress with this Juice Recipe

Detox Juice

Want to keep your system strong so you can endure change, transition, stress or busy periods in life? Juicing vegetables is one of the most powerful ways to do this. Enjoy freshly juiced vegetables as often as you can and you’ll be nourishing your body with massive amounts of nutrition that would otherwise require you to eat a boat load of whole vegetables to even come close to the amount of nutrients you’ll get this way.


1 large beet
2 carrots
1/2 apple
1 cup parsley
1 inch. piece of ginger

Instructions: Wash your produce and run it through a juicer, enjoy immediately.

Want to juice more often and need support? Download the 14 Day Juice Challenge App in iPhone for a daily juice recipe, reminders and health guides.

14 Day Juice Challenge

Sheleana Aiyana