10 Natural Ways to Lighten Your Hair Without Causing Damage


Believe it or not, it is possible to lighten your hair without causing unnecessary damage by using chemical laden products and dyes. Here are 10 natural ways to lighten your hair naturally, with products you may already have in your home:

1. Vinegar Soak
Raw apple cider vinegar will bring out the red undertones in your hair. You can either spray this on your whole head until your hair is soaked through or soak certain strands with cotton balls to give yourself natural highlights. Mix the vinegar with water (half and half) and leave it in to soak for 30-45 minutes.

2. Chamomile
Brew yourself a strong cup of tea, let it cool, and use it to soak the hair you want to make lighter. You should leave it in for about half an hour, although it won’t hurt to leave it in a bit longer for a stronger effect.

3. Henna
You can get different shades of henna to bring out the red in your hair. Be careful what shade of henna you get as some won’t have much of an effect on dark hair and can actually make hair that isn’t very dark get darker. You should use about 3 tablespoons of henna powder per ½ cup of boiling water and let the mixture settle overnight and then soak the parts of your hair you want to lighten. Leave the mixture in your hair for at least two hours.

4. Honey and Olive Oil
Not only will this make your hair lighter, olive oil is an excellent moisturizer and cleanser for your hair. Mix a ¼ cup of honey with ¼ cup of olive oil and stir well so they mix properly. Apply this to the portions of your hair you want to make lighter and leave it in for 45-60 minutes.

5. Cinnamon
This miracle spice is not only excellent for your health, it’s  also great for bringing out the red in your hair and making it a little brighter. Add cinnamon to your regular conditioner until it becomes a thick paste, then work this into your hair and leave it in for a few hours. If you can leave it in overnight this will produce the best results.

6. Baking Soda
Another common household item that has many different uses, baking soda will lighten your hair. Use about ¼ cup and add water until you get a moderately thick paste. Anything too thin won’t spread properly and anything too thick will dry out too quickly and not work at all, so pay close attention when you’re making this mixture. Leave it in for at least half an hour to lighten your hair.

7. Salt
You don’t need to swim in the ocean to experience the hair brightening effects of salt. All you need to do is mix a tablespoon of salt into a ½ cup of warm water, mix it together thoroughly, and let the mixture soak into the parts of your hair that you want to make lighter.

8. Rhubarb
Mix up a ¼ cup of finely chopped rhubarb and 2 cups of water. Bring the rhubarb to a boil in the water, then let the mixture cool until it is room temperature. Strain out the rhubarb and use the liquid to soak your hair. Let your hair soak in it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse it out, rinsing until the water runs clear.

9. Vitamin C
You should already be getting lots of vitamin C to keep your immune system strong, however vitamin C can also be used to improve your hair health and even to lighten your hair. Simply take 8-9 of the vitamin C capsules you normally take, crush them into a fine powder and mix them with the shampoo you normally use. This will strengthen your hair every time you shampoo it.

10. Lemon
Not only are lemons excellent for seasoning all manner of things, cleaning surfaces around your home and keeping bugs away, they are capable of brightening your hair as well. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice (always go with freshly squeezed) into about a cup of water. Stir thoroughly and soak the parts of your hair you want to make lighter. Once your hair is soaked just sit in the sun until your hair dries.

You don’t have to damage your hair to enjoy a lighter look. All you need is one of these household ingredients and some time to make the mixtures work.

Olivia Johanson
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