Anti-Nausea Banana Smoothie

Anti-Nausea Banana Smoothie
Anti-Nausea Banana Smoothie

Feeling nauseous is no fun. Here is my quick and easy smoothie that I have used to help my friends and family feel better when their tummies are unhappy.


  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 cup very cold water – The cold is very important
  • ½ inch piece ginger

Instructions: Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth.  Sip slowly.

3 Reasons Why this Smoothie Rawks:

1. The bananas have a very soothing effect on the digestive tract, and can help to calm the waves of nausea that most experience when they are feeling ill.

2. The cool temperature of the drink is often soothing, especially when a fever is involved.

3. Ginger is one of the oldest and most commonly used remedies for nausea, and for good reason.  It has a strong affinity for the digestive tract, and will soothe, cleanse and calm the intestines.

Ali Washington