Why You Should Be Drinking More Matcha (Plus 3 Recipes)


You’ve probably heard the benefits of green tea over and over again. You know it can promote weight loss, help burn fat and that it’s loaded with antioxidants and vitamins…

But have you heard about Matcha Green Tea?

I am enjoying a delicious, homemade matcha green tea almond milk latte (recipe below) as I write about this superfood! Matcha is a form of green tea using the actual leaves, stoneground. This allows you to experience the benefits of green tea exponentially. Because you are ingesting the full leaves in powdered form, matcha is also loaded with fiber and you end up with 137 times more antioxidants.

Some of the benefits of this super-green tea:

  1. Matcha green tea has the equivalent polyphenols (disease-fighting antioxidant) as drinking 10 cups of regular green tea. Polyphenols are found to have a powerful impact on helping fight cancers, cardiovascular disease and many other types of degenerative diseases.
  2. It gives a natural energy boost that sustains for a longer period of time compared to drinking coffee or tea.
  3. Matcha can help you prolong your physical activity endurance and potentially increase calories burned by four times.

Imagine something that gives you energy, but also calms you. It’s out there in the form of, you guessed it… Matcha! L-theanine is found in matcha, which is an amino acid that helps lower stress and keeps you calm and happy. You will also get a source of many vitamins including: vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K. Don’t forget the minerals you’ll receive like magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron and zinc by including matcha to your recipes.

Detox, burn fat and increase energy with this power plant, all without putting any stress on the body. You can include it in your diet in many different ways.

Here are some delicious recipes you can make with Matcha:

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For a quick, easy and powerful concoction that can help you reach your health goals, please check out our Organifi Green Juice.

Sammi McLeod
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