Have You Heard of Sacha Inchi Seeds? They’re A Vegan’s Best Friend

Sacha Inchi Salad Close Up

Shining bright in the superfood spotlight, Sacha Inchi is the newest star(pod) of the Western health community. With high levels of protein, omega oils, vitamins and minerals, Sacha Inchi is every vegan’s best friend. We may only be learning about it now, but Sacha Inchi has been consumed as an amazing source of macro and micronutrients in South America for thousands of years!

What is Sacha Inchi?

Sacha Inchi are seeds that originate from the Amazon Rainforest but are now being grown across the globe. This year, Imlak’esh Organics has begun to work with rural family farms in the lush, mountainous rainforests of Southeast Asia to cultivate Sacha Inchi seeds. These super seeds are inedible in their raw state, but lightly toasting them creates a delectable and digestible superfood. Sacha Inchi seeds have a deliciously nutty flavor and a satisfying crunch that can easily be incorporated into smoothies, salads, savory dishes, snacks, and desserts.

Why Vegans Love ‘Em

Sacha Inchi seeds are every plant-based eater’s best friend! Not just because they’re so tasty, but also because they’re packed full of nutritional goodness. It’s one of the best sources of plant-based Omega 3s, an important fatty acid our bodies cannot naturally produce so we need to get it from our food sources.

Omega 3s

Sacha Inchi contains 17 times the amount of Omega 3 fatty acid found in salmon. Plant-based Omega 3 (ALA) is largely misunderstood and undervalued. You may have heard that it is not as beneficial as Omega 3s derived from marine life and animals (EPA and DHA), but the truth is, it’s very important.

Our bodies convert ALA (α-linolenic acid) into EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), although at a lower conversion rate. That’s why recommendations of Omega Oil intake differs for plant and animal sources. One study suggests that vegans and vegetarians should double their intake of ALA. That said, Sacha Inchi has 17 times the amount of Omega 3s found in salmon; that’s 350% of the Daily Value of ALA per serving!

Making sure you get enough Omega 3 in your diet is essential for a healthy, vibrant life! Research links omega 3 fatty acids to reduced inflammation in both the body and brain. Inflammation is the source of chronic diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and heart disease. It is also associated with painful joints, fatigue, brain fog, and poor cognition. So increasing your omega 3 consumption can aid in optimal brain and body function.


Another reason vegans love Sacha Inchi is because it’s loaded with protein! With 8.5 grams of protein in just one ounce, these seeds trump almonds, cashews, and walnuts. Plus, Sacha Inchi is a complete protein with all 8 essential acids to nourish your body.

Protein is a core nutrient that forms the basis of every cell in your body. It helps you to build muscles, speed your body’s recovery, maintain a healthy weight, satisfy hunger, and fuel your adventures!

Other Nutrients

Sacha Inchi also has an array of vitamins and minerals.

Each seed contains:

  • Iodine
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C.

Combined, these macro and micronutrients create a super nourishing and seriously nom-worthy food. 

Sustainable Source

One more huge plus for Sacha Inchi is its sustainability factor. The story of Imlak’esh Organics’ Southeast Asian Sacha Inchi holds a special place in our hearts. To thousands of people, Sacha Inchi is more than a powerhouse of nutrition; it is a seed of hope — for economic freedom, for empowerment, and prosperity across generations.

The cultivation of Sacha Inchi in rural lands creates an economic opportunity for thousands of people where none previously existed – giving them access to medicine, mobility, and basic human necessities such as clean water and lighting.

When we think of “eating clean” and “eating right,” we think of food that nourishes your body and soul. That’s why it’s important for the food we consume to be non-GMO, cultivated with love, sustainably harvested, and ethically traded.

Check your local health food store for Sacha Inchi seeds. They are available online and via Thrive Market. You can also get Sacha Inchi Protein Powder for smoothies and baked goods, or Sacha Inchi Oil for salads and grain bowls.

Kathleen Tan