How I Lost 71 lbs with Green Smoothies and Raw Food Cleansing

I found Young and Raw via Facebook last January and signed up for the February 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge. I wanted to lose some weight that I had previously lost but put back on after a pregnancy. The smoothies seemed like a great way to get more fruits and veggies in my life.

I didn’t actually start the smoothies until March due to a family death but once I did, I fell in love with them. I didn’t use them as a meal replacement but just had one before breakfast every day. I was losing weight but very slowly and eventually I just plateaued like every other time pretty much.

I knew I needed to make a bigger change. I was tired of being overweight, being tired all the time, and just not feeling like myself. I had seen the 21 Day Raw Food Reset Program advertised a few times and finally in May bought the program and jumped right in. It was super hard at first as I majorly detoxed from sugar. I pushed through and finished all 21 days and came out feeling better than ever.

Here were the results of my 21 Day Raw Food Reset Cleanse:

  • I lost 18 pounds during the cleanse
  • My skin cleared up majorly
  • My nails got stronger
  • Teeth got whiter
  • I slept better than I ever had and I just became stronger overall
  • I was able to push through workouts I had struggled with so much before. I have continued with a smoothie everyday and follow the raw meal plans until dinner where I have a cooked meal with my family.

All in all I lost a total of 71 lbs last year!

The cleanse was truly was life changing – but in other ways too. Honestly, I started the cleanse only thinking about weight loss but I came away from it with a lot more:

  • I learned so much from Ali and the other members and I just soaked it all up.
  • I learned about GMO’s, and the importance of local and organic.
  • I learned about how important it was to nourish my body with real, whole foods instead of the processed, boxed food full of low fat and low sugar promises (which is what I had pretty much always eaten).
  • I learned to let go of calorie counting and stressing out about food.
  • My whole relationship with food changed and I was finally able to just eat and feel good.
  • I learned to love my body for all it was and treat it with the respect it so deserved.

21 Day Reset

How changing my diet changed my whole life:

More so than all of the above, I learned that I also have a huge impact on my environment. I mean I didn’t even recycle before this you guys! I know, I know… shameful. Proud to say we definitely do now!

I not only cleaned up my eating, I cleaned up my whole life! I began making my own cleaning supplies with natural ingredients, instead of buying everything. I also began to make a lot of my own beauty products or purchase organic ones.

I truly came away from the smoothie challenges and cleanse with a fire inside of me to change the world… and it is still there. I share my knowledge and passion with everyone around me. And I am proud to say I have helped a lot of people. that makes me happy. But if not for finding Young and Raw and the support of their team, none of this would have happened. So I am eternally grateful and forever a supporter.

Thank you Young and Raw for all you do. You are truly world changers.

Get Started on Your Own 21 Day Raw Food Reset Cleanse Journey Here


April Boicourt
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