Why You Need to Give Up on Going on a Diet

Why You Need to Give Up on Going on a Diet

Today, I want to share with you a conversation I had with a friend over the weekend…

My friend wanted my advice in regards to some new trendy diets that came up this year, and she was curious to know my opinion about them. Several years ago, I would definitely have had the same questions, as I was obsessed with starting a new program or diet as the New Year arrived. Today, I am deeply grateful to say that my story is very different.

Here’s the thing beloved one… You will never get results, no matter how many diets you try, if your actions are born from a place of self-disapproval, lack and feeling flawed.  Even if you manage to lose some pounds, you will return to your starting point if your level of consciousness remains the same. In other words, if you try to fill out an inner void with external actions using the same consciousness that created them, you will get results that reflect that level of consciousness.

If you start a diet because you dislike the way you look, maybe you’ll lose some pounds, but that inner feeling of dissatisfaction will still remain there. Every cell of your body is sensitive to your intentions and feelings. And if you are constantly sending yourself negative messages about your appearance, the cells of your body will register this vibration and will block your never-ending efforts to change your appearance through nutritional plans and diets.

So today, I invite you to engage in a different kind of diet for this starting year… If you give yourself the change to re-direct your goals and focus on discovering that all source of nourishment and energy comes from within, and that your body is merely a reflection of your inner state, I promise that you’ll be inspired to take the actions that you need in order to integrate that inner knowing in all areas of your life, including your body.

And if you need extra support, you can always count on me and we can work on this together. Please know that life is a benevolent force of love that is always supporting and embracing you. All you need is to take the first step in surrender and trust.

Are you ready to let go of the diet prison and open yourself to receive the blessings that life has in store for you? What are you struggling with in terms of food and your physical appearance? I’d love to hear from you, so please leave your comments below.

Maybe your first step could be to ditch all the diets and focus on nourishing your soul. Or maybe your first step could be to fully embrace and accept yourself unconditionally, no matter how you look today. This first step is unique to YOU.


Monica Rodriguez
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