Raw Chocolate Pie with Wise One Chocolate (Superfood Infused)

Looking for a creative and healthy dessert to bring to a party or serve your guests? Heck, looking for something delicious to indulge in without feeling crappy after? Introducing, the Raw Chocolate Pie with Wise One Chocolate!
  • 1 1/4 c pitted soft medjool dates
  • 1 1/4 c coconut flakes
  • 1 tbs coconut oil (melted)
  • 2 heaping tbs cacao powder
  • pinch of sea salt
  • Your choice of 3 wise one chocolate bars – We recommend the Mycelium Magik
  • 1 can of coconut milk (full fat)
  • 2-3 tbsp honey/maple syrup/your choice of sweetener
  • friendly pinch of vanilla powder
  • even friendlier pinch of salt
Optional toppings:
  • Coconut flakes
  • raspberries/your choice of berries.
1. Add all crust ingredients into a food processor & blend until a paste is formed. (should stick together)
2. Spread crust into a pie dish coated in coconut oil for easy removal. Press the paste evenly into the pie dish, bringing the paste up the sides of the dish.
3. Warm the can of coconut milk on the stove. (don’t boil)
4. Place warm coconut milk into a blender. Add in wise one chocolate bars, sweetener of choice, vanilla powder & pinch of salt – blend until ingredients are fully mixed together, and chocolate is melted.
5. Pour filling over the crust & set in the freezer for approximately 3 hours.
6. Sprinkle optional toppings, serve & enjoy!
*Pie can be kept in the freezer, and thawed for 15 minutes before slicing and serving.


Derek Rohde