There are many causes of unwanted weight gain, including stress, hormones, a poor diet, injury, even organ health. There’s so much out there being marketed for weight loss and really, when you’re in the thick of it, it can feel like your head is spinning.
What diet works, what diet can you actually stick with without going insane, etc. The one thing I’ve found that works is to find something that feels good on a vibrational level. At certain times, if I’m feeling stressed or uncomfortable in my body, I resort to eating raw foods because they help me feel more calm and relaxed.
Now I’ve designed this one day cleanse for you to prepare for weight loss but I want you to remember a few things, this is only 1 day and rome wasn’t built in a day, neither was your dream body.
You’re beautiful as you are and it’s totally natural to want to improve if you feel heavy and bloated. That said, weight loss is a process and requires consistency and low stress levels.
Raw food cleansing has successfully worked for me to shed unwanted weight (about 30 pounds in about 2 months without exercise at one time in my life.
This is a way for you to get your foot in the door so to speak and give raw a try for a day and then you can decide if you want to transition into the next stage – which is the 21 Day Raw Food Reset Cleanse.
The 21 Day Raw Food Reset Cleanse is an extremely successful program that thousands of people in the Young and Raw community have used to support cleansing, healing, reducing inflammation and yes, a nice side effect is weight loss. In some cases, up to 25 pounds, but every body is different.
The 21 Day Raw Food Reset Cleanse includes a 14 day raw food cleanse menu with all your meals and shopping lists pre-planned and mapped out for you, a 7 day optional juice cleanse with recipes included, an emotional eating hypnosis audio that can be extremely helpful if you’re having a head time with your relationship to food or eating when you’re stressed, and a private members only group so you can seek support and don’t have to feel like you’re doing it all alone, even if your friends or family aren’t supportive.
Below, I’ve mapped out 1 day for you to prepare your body and mind to heal, and start taking action towards the body you want and deserve. Just commit, give it a day, and then, perhaps you’ll be ready to go all in with us. I’ll be in the private group waiting for you 🙂
2 cups warm lemon water
1 tbsp. chia seeds
Prepare warm water in kettle or use room temp. Add juice of one lemon, 1 tbsp chia seeds and let sit for 3-5 minutes then consume.
Breakfast: Reduce Water Weight & Bloat Green Smoothie
2 rib celery
1 cup cucumber
small handful of spinach
1 lemon, peeled
1 tbsp. hemp seeds
small piece of ginger or about 1/5 tbsp.
1 small green apple, banana or 1/3 cup pineapple
1 cup water or raw coconut water
Blend on high until smooth and enjoy. This should make a large enough smoothie for you to have more than one cup, and will keep you full for a bit longer.
Lunch: Chia Pudding Fruit Cup
1/2 cup coconut or almond milk *sugar free!
3 tbsp. chia seeds
1 tsp. vanilla bean powder or extract
2-4 drops stevia
1/2 cup blueberries, blackberries or strawberries
2 tbsp. sliced almonds or whole walnuts
Combine your chia seeds, coconut milk, stevia and let sit for 5 minutes or until they form a gel. Add your berries and sliced almonds and enjoy. You can prepare this the night before as well and store in the fridge to enjoy the next day.
Choose 1 option off the dinner menu:
Dinner: Mineral Rich Detox Salad
2-3 cups spring mix lettuce and or romaine lettuce
1 small avocado, diced or mashed
1/2 red pepper, diced
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 pinch. himalayan salt
2-4 tbsp. sauerkraut
1 tbsp. dulse flakes
1 tbsp. nutritional yeast
Combine all of your ingredients in a large bowl, let sit for a minute or two and enjoy.
Or: Sweet and Crunchy Kale Salad
3 cups kale
1/2 pear, chopped into small pieces
1 tbsp. golden raisins or goji berries
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 pinch of himalayan salt
1 small avocado, diced or mashed
Massage kale with avocado and dressing and top with fruit. You’ll ideally want to prepare this salad the night before or give it about 3 hours to sit and soften. You can eat it right away if that’s your only option too 🙂
Or: Shredded Detox Salad
1 small carrot, shredded
1/3 cup zucchini, shredded
3-4 leaves of basil or mint, finely chopped
1 tbsp. golden raisins
1 cup spring mix lettuce
1 tbsp. olive oil
1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1 tsp. honey
1 pinch salt
Shred your veggies using a for processor, veggie slicer or grater. Combine in a bowl and toss. To make life easier, prep your veggies the night before and just add your spring mix lettuce in the evening with your dressing.

5 Ways to Cleanse Smarter
- Drink at least 8 cups of filtered water
- Enjoy Dandelion tea for reducing bloating and water weight
- Enjoy Ginger tea for digestive support or bloating after meals
- Upon rising, if you can spend 10 minutes stretching or 20 minutes doing yoga, do so.
- After dinner, enjoy a 30 minute walk if you can. Ideally in nature, not a busy road.
If you need support to keep accountable and actually make the changes you’re desiring, consider joining us in the 21 Day Raw Food Reset Cleanse Group.
We’ve taken care of your menu, all the planning and the emotional support. All you have to do is commit, sign up, and do your part by getting the groceries and prepping your food for the week.
Start your 21 Day Raw Food Reset Journey Here
- Magnesium and Iron Rich Strengthening Basil Smoothie - Oct 30, 2019
- 10 Bountiful Benefits of Basil - Oct 3, 2019
- 7 Ways Lemons Heal! - Oct 1, 2019