Sunset Matcha Lover Smoothie

I made this antioxidant packed energy smoothie while we were in Maui. The picture and recipe were on our facebook page which reminded me to share it here with you 🙂 Oh and by the way, I named this smoothie the Matcha “Lover” smoothie for more than one reason. This isn’t just for those of you who love Matcha, but the smoothie also serves to bring out the lover in you. I’ve combined some beautiful ingredients for mood and libido enhancement together for your enjoyment.


  • 2 frozen ripe bananas
  • 2 Dates
  • 2 tsp pure japanese green tea powder
  • 1/2 tsp madagascar whole ground vanilla bean
  • 1 tsp maca
  • 1-2 cups of coconut milk

Directions: Pour milk, and all of your powdered ingredients in the Vitamix on level 1 and let the mixture blend completely. Turn off while you add your dates and frozen bananas. Cover and turn on high for 30 seconds or less, then serve. Make sure mixture is completely liquid before serving.

It’s delicious, will enhance your mood, boost your energy and offers an abundance of anti-oxidants and nutrients!


1. Matcha is far more potent then if you were to drink a green tea, because you are consuming the whole leaf. One glass of Matcha has enough antioxidants to amount to 10 glasses of green tea!

2. Vanilla Bean was prescribed by physicians in the 1700’s to men who were suffering from impotency or lack of desire. It was and is to this day considered an aphrodisiac. Vanilla bean comes from the orchid ♥

3.  Dates serve to improve sexual stamina and sterility due to functional disorders.

4. Coconut milk is helpful for building muscles, and can even help cure a sore throat or reduce painful stomach ulcers.

5. Bananas have a high magnesium content which serves to reduce feelings of fatigue.

6. Maca is a potent libido enhancer, high in protein and aids in hormonal balancing when taken properly in small doses. Check with your herbalist if you have estrogenic issues or cystitis before taking Maca.

This is the view we had while we lived in Maui for a little over a month.

If you’d like smoothies to heal or promote certain things like more energy, enhanced libido, muscle building, weight loss, leave your requests in the comments below and keep an eye out for new recipes!

Sheleana Aiyana