Vitamin D is Actually a Hormone: Here’s Why You Need It


Vitamin D
Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin (technically a hormone) that is generally produced by special cells in our skin, in conjunction with cholesterol. When the sun hits your skin, it sets off a series of chemical reactions that produce each of the phases of Vitamin D.

This Vitamin D3 is then transported to your liver where it is converted into the usable form of vitamin D, and then goes about doing all the wonderful things vitamin D does for us. Did you know that one of the roles of vitamin D is helping us to better absorb and utilize calcium and phosphorus? That is one of the reasons why many calcium supplements come with vitamin D included.

Boost your body’s ability to utilize these bone, teeth and nail building minerals by getting your daily dose of vitamin D through 15-30 minutes of bare skin sun exposure 3-5 times per week (longer exposure needed the darker tone your skin is and where you live in relation to the equator), eating foods high in naturally occurring vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol), and supplementing with very effective and inexpensive vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) oils which can be readily found in a health food store near you.

To ensure you get adequate levels of usable Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), a high quality oil based liquid supplement is recommended, which can work out to getting you 1,000IU of D3 per day for as little as $0.07 per day. If you can only afford one supplement for your health, the wide array of health enhancing and disease preventative benefits that healthy levels of Vitamin D3 provides makes this the one.



Chelsea Goodrich