Collard Greens Outshine Kale with their Nutrient Profile

Collard Greens Outshine Kale

The cholesterol-lowering ability of collard greens may be the greatest of all commonly eaten cruciferous vegetables! In a recent study, steamed collard greens outshine steamed kale, mustard greens, broccoli, brussels sprouts, and cabbage in terms of its ability to bind bile acids in the digestive tract. When this bile acid binding takes place, it is easier for the bile acids to be excreted from the body.

Since bile acids are made from cholesterol, the net impact of this bile acid binding is a lowering of the body’s cholesterol level. It’s worth noting that steamed collards show much greater bile acid binding ability than raw collards.

We get unique health benefits from collard greens in the form of cancer protection. Besides many obvious antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, the cancer-preventive properties of collard greens may be largely related to 4 specific glucosinolates found in this cruciferous vegetable: glucoraphanin, sinigrin, gluconasturtiian, and glucotropaeolin. Each of these glucosinolates can be converted into an isothiocyanate (ITC) that helps lower our cancer risk by supporting our detox and anti-inflammatory systems.

So by trying to get a combination of raw and cooked collards into your diet several times a week you should soon be reaping some amazing health benefits!

Try this Raw Veganator burger recipe wrapped in collards.

Chelsea Goodrich