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Tag: self development

I'm a self-propelled, "type A" personality at heart. In the best spaces, this relentless drive has enabled me to embrace and invite a resiliency and fight into my life - one even I didn't realize existed within me. In...
I am a fallen guru. I’m a health and weight loss coach and I had gained weight. This is the plain truth as it is. Yet it’s scary to face it since it challenged my identity, my authority as a professional and...
If you were to ask me what things I’m most grateful for in my life, depression would be high on that list. Yes, I'm grateful for my depression. Now, I say that without sarcasm and I do not intend to belittle the struggle or...
It dawned on me earlier this week that the only person in my life who would likely not try to sabotage me on purpose is my mother. Even friends - usually the closest - have their weak points, and...
I’m an introvert. I enjoy spending time alone. At times it’s hard for me to communicate or open up to others. After spending time with other people, I need time for myself to process everything and recharge. This is a vital insight...
Women who don’t truly trust other women. It’s almost a dirty sentence to read isn’t it? There was once a time in life when I was afraid of other women. I was so damaged by my own mother that I...