4 Authentic Reasons Cooking Matters

4 Reasons Why Cooking Matters (And How to Get Started!)

At the Rouxbe Cooking School, we let our students in on a crucial secret that can change their lives– cooking is truly the missing key to health.

As a drive-thru society, we have lost the vital life skill of cooking, and unfortunately for a lot of people, the idea of cooking is overwhelming and feels not even achievable. Food itself has become merely something we measure, count, portion out and weigh, or simply something to “fill the gap” that gets passed through our car windows in the middle of our busy day.

1. Without knowing how to prepare nutrient dense food at home, we rely heavily on processed and packaged food that contains fewer nutrients and is often filled with ingredients that congest our bodies and contribute to inflammation and disease.

2. Cooking at home with fresh, real food that comes from the earth, that is not congesting or upsetting to your body, that saturates your cells with high amounts of energy boosting nutrients can not only help you feel better, but actually prevent and begin to reverse diseases that come from a lifetime of “beige” processed food like Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Disease.

3. Picking up a knife is the first step on the path to health. Learning a few culinary skills along the way will make your time in the kitchen go smoothly, and help guide you down that path.

4. Real food is powerful. It brings balance to our health. And when we prepare it with care, in our homes, with people who matter to us, then the food, and the journey of making it and sharing it, feeds our soul as well.

Do your body and your soul a favor! Get out to a farmers’ market, buy some real food, prepare it with joy in your heart, and fall back in love with food and cooking.

Bring joy back to your kitchen, and watch your life slow down, your energy increase, and your health begin to balance. You are worth it. And so is your food.

Interested in cooking more plant-based foods? Check out Rouxbe’s Professional Plant-Based Cooking Course

Rouxbe Cooking Course

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