7 Rules to Live by When Choosing Non-Toxic Beauty Products

We are all becoming more aware of the propaganda around us in every shape and form, from advertisements in magazines, bus benches, bill boards and most importantly in shopping malls and grocery stores. As your awareness increases,  you may begin looking at food labels, beauty products and health products differently; you’ll start asking the important questions. You might even find yourself chuckling in the aisles as I do often, at the deceptive tactics and claims made on packages.

Today, I want to give you the facts on self-care and natural healing along with simple beauty recipes that anyone can whip together and trade for some of our household brands sold in brightly lit department stores. Not only will you will save money this way,  but by going natural you allow your body to heal, rather than cover up symptoms that allow the discomfort you’re experiencing to exist. In our society we’ve come to rely solely on synthetic alternatives rather than seeking natural solutions to our ailments first.

Look around more often when you’re shopping, pay attention to the bright colors, the labels, the terminology on the packaging, and dissect it a little. Once you’re ready to become a savvy natural product seeker in the store out there in the “wild”, here are 7 tips to keep top of mind:

1. Always look at the ingredients, learning to read labels is the first step in becoming a conscious consumer of anything, not just beauty products.

2. Write questionable ingredients down or take a pic of them with your phone or camera so you can research them online when you get home. Sometimes a harmless plant-based ingredient sounds scary, and the other way around.

3. Buy organic products made by people who really care. There are so many organic boutiques on and offline run by people who put wildcrafted herbs and lots of love into the creams, masks and deodorant that you put on your skin.

4. Question where you first began to trust a product or brand, and go through a process of memory recall to see if you can pin point anything that may have triggered you to buy, like a marketing headline on the package, a commercial with an authority figure. Learning more about how you are “sold” will also help you become a more aware consumer.

5. Just because something says “organic” or “natural” doesn’t mean it’s preservative free. Just because it has preservatives doesn’t mean it’s automatically terrible either. Know what you’re working with.

6. See the cause not the cure. Products stocked on the supermarket shelves are almost never going to heal you; they will only cover up symptoms. Next time you have a problem, go to the root source, consider what could be causing it, and then ask yourself how you can heal it naturally with food, herbs and other holistic methods.

7. If you’re the crafty type, try making some of your own beauty recipes at home! Try making your own zeolite toothpaste or your own shampoo and conditioner.

Sheleana Aiyana