35 Quick, Easy and Healthy Snack Ideas for Every Craving

When a snack attack hits, don’t let your healthy eating plan go out the window. Print this list and stick it to your fridge so that you can have instant inspiration the next time you are craving a snack. Decide whether you are craving something sweet, salty, creamy or crunchy, and find an item that best suits the need you have.

1. Rice cakes (get the brown rice variety).

2. Apple slices (can be sprinkled with some Himalayan sea salt if sour).

3. Celery spread with nut butter.

4. Light popcorn or plain popcorn: use coconut oil to pop in a covered pan.

5. Use leftover rice or quinoa to make a sweet porridge: drizzle maple syrup and sprinkle cinnamon, adds nut milk and bananas, or warm with fruit juice.

6. Carrots: particularly the super-sweet, organic carrots.

7. Crunchy crudités of veggies and dip (hummus is great!)

8. Handful of raw almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts.

9. Frozen grapes.

10. Smoothies: mix whatever you have in the kitchen – fruit, ice, nut milk, with carob powder or another super food
for an instantly filling mini meal.

11. Wheatgrass shot.

12. Hummus with veggies, or rice crackers.

13. Baked sweet potato topped with coconut cream.

14. Sliced banana (can also eat slices with nut butter).

15. Organic coconut yogurt and fruit.

16. Organic dark chocolate chips or carob chips.

17. Frozen yogurt: make your own by freezing fruit and then blending it with coconut milk!

18. Dried fruit in small quantities (dehydrated at home is better than store-bought).

19. Fruit “ice cream”: peel a banana, freeze, blend in a food processor and serve; can be put through the screen of a juicer for a creamier consistency.

20. Pickles and pickled vegetables, such as carrot, daikon, beets and lotus root.

21. A handful of sunflower and or pumpkin seeds.

22. Halve an avocado and fill the hole with a vinaigrette then eat it whole with a spoon.

23. Freshly squeezed fruit juices: Make your own and try different combos.

24. Sweet vegetables: yams, sweet potatoes, squashes (acorn, butternut, kabocha) cut into chunks or fries; sprinkle with cinnamon and bake.

25. Dates stuffed with almond butter or other nut butter.

26. Olives.

27. Lightly steamed vegetables with tamari/shoyu or umeboshi vinegar and topped with sunflower or pumpkin seeds.

28. Tortilla chips and salsa or guacamole: try whole grain varieties and freshly made salsa or guacamole.

29. Sauerkraut: it will also knock your sweet craving right out!

30. Fresh lime or lemon juice as seasonings or in beverage

31. Lightly salted edamame.

32. Puréed soup (make extra soup and keep some stored in the freezer to easily heat up for a snack attack). Eat it from a mug for portion control.

33. Puddings made with chia, avocado or mashed banana.

34. Mashed sweet potatoes.

35. Coconut oil mixed with maple syrup and grated coconut, spread onto a tray and then frozen to make “bark” that can be broken off in pieces and eaten.

Do you have any other ideas for healthy snacks you can add to this list?

Simone Samuels