46 Healing Reasons To Drink Green Smoothies!

46 Healing Reasons to Drink Green Smoothies (That Taste Good!)

I love my morning smoothie!  It has changed my life and I hope it can do the same for you.  I started making and drinking smoothies about seven years when I was about to become a mom.  Since then, I have not looked back!. Smoothies are a fun and healthy way to start the day, but they have also been a good cornerstone in my life for an overall diet and nutrition makeover.

I have experienced so many benefits from making and drinking smoothies, that I am not sure it is possible to even know what they all are, but I have attempted to list them out here.

The type of smoothies I am talking about in this post are homemade from scratch in your kitchen with a Blendtec, Vitamix or another type of blender.  I am not talking about pre-made smoothies you buy in the store, I’m talking about a fresh smoothie made from whole ingredients.  All of my smoothies are dairy-free because I have come to learn that a lot of dairy is not a good thing for my body and can often be a problem for those who suffer inflammation or are trying to lose weight.

I include frozen fruit or a banana, and some kind of green in my smoothie.  Usually the green is spinach or romaine.  For the liquid, I use coconut milk from a carton and not water.  The result is a nutrient dense, satiating, creamy drink for breakfast. You can do a quick search on Google for “Green Smoothie Recipes Young and Raw” or “Detox Green Smoothies Young and Raw” and you’ll find lots of incredible recipes from this website.

Personally, I have found that as I ate more of this type of food (whole food, plant-based) I found myself eating less of the processed and less meat.  This was a good starter food into the world of good nutrition.

You will find that most of these benefits relate to physical health.  However, the healing benefits of eating this way are not limited to physical health.  I have found increased emotional capacity and an improved sense of joy in life.

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46 Healing Benefits that Eating Smoothies Can Introduce into Your Life:

  1. Smoothies are an easy way to eat more whole foods.
  2. Consume less processed foods.
  3. Eating more food from lower on the food chain.
  4. Get more plant-based protein.
  5. You are eating nutrients from their source as opposed to a vitamin, where the nutrients are separated. (Do both.)
  6. When you put this type of food into your system you get better night’s sleep.
  7. You might even need a little less sleep.
  8. Lower your levels of anxiety and stress.
  9. Have more good clean energy.
  10. It will also naturally increase your libido.
  11. When you add dark leafy greens like spinach in it will improve your complexion.
  12. Make your hair more sheen.
  13. Help your body to regulate your weight more optimally.
  14. Even better than that, a diet focused on eating these types of foods will reverse some of the effects of aging.
  15. Help you to maintain youthfulness.
  16. Increases your body’s capacity for regenerative processes.
  17. Cramming your smoothie full of nutrient dense foods will lead to stronger bones.
  18. Stronger muscles.
  19. Stronger nails.
  20. Healthier teeth and gums.
  21. Better joint health.
  22. Smoothies are a great and easy way to naturally increase good fiber in your diet.
  23. Improve general digestive health and overall regularity.
  24. Slows down digestion.
  25. Keeps the digestive track clean.
  26. Allows for better absorption of nutrients.
  27. Complex plant nutrition increases heart health.
  28. Lowers the risk of heart disease.
  29. Cancer.
  30. Diabetes.
  31. Reduce risk of many chronic diseases.
  32. Even beyond lowering the risk for these diseases, smoothies strengthen the immune system,
  33. May lessen the severity of allergies (I am no longer allergic to cats or seasonal changes.)
  34. Lessen the length and severity of sickness (eg cold, etc) when you get them.
  35. Helps to reverse disease.
  36. This type of real food is satiating and lessens cravings for unhealthy alternatives
  37. You may find you have fewer (if any) food addictions.
  38. Green smoothies are also good for children and supports their nutritional needs.
  39. Smoothies help to even out moods.
  40. Prevent depression,
  41. Increasing emotional happiness.
  42. Help to balance out hormones
  43. Increase the ability to be flexible and go with the flow with a smoothie to-go (less food fuss.)
  44. When you have all this abundant health in your life you do better with deeper breathing.
  45. Have less inflammation.
  46. Feeling this good will help you laugh more.
  47. Feel healthier and lighter.

Now that you have read through this list, I hope you are blown away by how much starting a new routine in the morning can improve your health and overall quality of life.  I hope you get to experience a life changing process as well! Go to the store and get your fruits and veggies and get to work.

Have you known some other kind of benefit to eating smoothies?

Lisa Reinhardt