Candida Busting Cooked Greens

Candida Busting Cooked Greens
Candida Busting Cooked Greens

Candida is a commonly mis-diagnosed fall back when something just doesn’t feel right. However, it can also be a legitimate and challenging health problem to sort through. Still confused? Check out The Full Scoop on Diagnosing and Healing Candida. If you feel like you need more support, check out books like The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates, and start optimizing your diet first. This is a simple candida busting recipe that you can add to your arsenal, and enjoy no matter what! If you’re simply looking to add new healthy recipes into your life, try these greens over a bed of turmeric quinoa or with mashed yams and sea salt.


  • 3 cups of chopped spinach or kale
  • 1-2 tbsp. coconut oil (or grass-fed ghee)
  • 2 cloves of crushed garlic
  • 1 tsp. turmeric powder
  • 1 pinch of sea salt *optional

In a pan, sauté your garlic and turmeric with coconut oil. Add your greens and sauté for 2-5 minutes or until soft. Enjoy with fresh squeezed lemon juice overtop.

Sheleana Aiyana