Today we're doing a  recipe swap with Tracy Russell from Incredible Smoothies Her lemon-lime detox smoothie recipe seriously rawks, and it's super simple making it perfect for busy mornings. If you're new to green smoothies or have picky eaters...
Caleb and I had so much fun making this recipe together! The chocolates came out perfectly and we were so proud of ourselves we just kept hi fiving each other. My favourite chocolates out of them all were the...
Wanna know how to be a vegan and still have pizza nights? These portabello pizzas are a lot of fun and super easy to make. You can have them vegan style and top them with vegan cheese or eat...
The best veggie burger by far! You'll be surprised at how much this recipe resembles a real burger. You're loading up on plant-based nutrients with this incredible combination of live food. Bring out the dehydrator for this one, it's...
Ingredients: Chopped Romaine Lettuce 1 Sliced Tomato 1 Diced Red Pepper Guacamole Fresh live salsa Chipotle Macadamia Cheese (see recipe in Raw Nut Cheeses) Enjoy! ♥ Young and Raw