How I Lost 71 lbs with Green Smoothies and Raw Food Cleansing
I found Young and Raw via Facebook last January and signed up for the February 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge. I wanted to lose...
How 21 Days of Raw Food Gave Me My Life Back
I am 56 years old, married to the love of my life, whom I refer to as my 'granola'. I have 3 amazing adult...
30 Ways To Reduce Inflammation Fast
Inflammation can be caused many different factors. Scientifically speaking inflammation is a cascade of chemical reactions that happen within the body when there is...
5 Recipes for Juicing on a Budget!
One of the most common concerns I hear from juice skeptics is about how expensive produce (and as a result, juicing) is. These concerns...
Why You Should Not Detox During Pregnancy or Nursing
We get asked almost every day on Young and Raw whether or not it is advised to do a detox or cleanse while breast-feeding...
What is Visalus REALLY?
Today a Young and Raw Facebook Fan inspired me to do a little digging, and when I say a little, I mean all I...
Reduce Inflammation With a Turmeric Cocktail
Do you suffer from inflammation, sore joins, menstrual cramps or even want to repair your muscles faster after yoga or a really good workout?...
10 Natural Ways to Beat the Cold & Flu Fast!
Being sick once in a while is totally normal, or is it? Even though catching a cold or flu is avoidable most of the...
42 Healing Ways to Use Coconut Oil
I love coconut oil! Here's why you should too. Coconut oil is one of the healthiest foods on the planet! It used to be believed...
Tamanu: The Most Potent Skin Oil for Healing Acne Scars, Eczema and Sun Damage
The Latin word Callophyllum means "beautiful leaf" and the oil from the Tamanu tree (Callophyllum inophyllum) can beautify your skin and solve some of its toughest...