How 21 Days of Raw Food Gave Me My Life Back

I am 56 years old, married to the love of my life, whom I refer to as my ‘granola’. I have 3 amazing adult children and 3 grandchildren. This is my story.

I am a storyteller, and I try and help people simply by conveying a ‘true story’ or experience that I’ve personally had. It’s how I ‘talk’, long winded to get to a point is what my husband calls it!! Chatty, is what I call it!

The “Readers Digest” version is; I was deathly sick for 20 months, I had knee surgery that I had put off for four years, but finally bit the bullet because I wanted to get back to being active without the pain.

Unfortunately Things Went Way South

I ended up with a DVT, 2 PE’s (blood clots in my leg, lung and heart), a small stroke, a tumor in my uterus, 4 surgeries in the course of a year, and I was unable to get out of bed for a full year. I had several blood transfusions to keep me alive. I was told I have a blood disorder. Apparently they discovered I can’t absorb iron, so I had to undergo iron IV treatments 3 times a year, just so I could get out of bed and to keep my organs functioning.

Back in July 2013 while on Facebook, the Young and Raw 21 Day Raw Food Reset popped on to my newsfeed. I’ve seen lots of things like this and never bothered to click on them. However, for some reason this one stuck with me. I read the entire page, and without really even thinking, I just bought it! Something I never do, buying online that is.

Besides that, I’ve tried so many detox programs, cleanses and diets over the course of my life and I’ve never stuck to them because it always involved too many pills and supplements. It always seemed like too much work! One of the main things that appealed to me right away was that it came with the meal plan, the shopping list and the recipes and there were no supplements to buy, just real food! That idea resonated with me, as I’ve always believed we can get all our vitamins, minerals and nutrition from food.

Up until I started the cleanse I didn’t feel like the “old me.” I had gained a considerable amount of weight, I had zero energy if not for the iron transfusions, I was not sleeping, I was on anti-depressants, and I looked and felt like crap!

I was gung-ho and ready to commit to this plan, however, I was afraid that I would not complete it like so many of the other things I had tried, but honestly, I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, the weight was really bringing me down and they had a support group!  What more could I ask for?

As I mentioned, my husband is my ‘granola’, he has studied nutrition his entire life. We’ve always eaten a good diet, we grow a lot of our own food, and I love to cook! He is my go to guy when I need to know anything to do with nutrition; I value his opinion, I shared the plan with him asking him “what do you think of this?” (umm, before mentioning I had already bought it). He said, “this is a really balanced plan, there are no gimmicks here, their advise is well thought out, and based on what the body needs”. I was sooo pleased. That’s when I told him I had purchased it, and I wanted him to do the plan with me.

I am a pretty organized type person, and maybe just a tad OCD, so I went to work immediately printing out the menu plan and recipes etc. Bought all the ingredients for 2 people, for week one, which turned out to be way too much food as the recipes for “one” are huge. Bought a bunch of glass jars to store my smoothies and juices in. I was ready!

The 21 Day Cleanse and Detox Changed My Life

Here are the results I achieved:

  • I no longer require iron IV treatments
  • I no longer take anti-depressants
  • I no longer have the numbing, tingling and pain of my arthritic hands
  • My cholesterol levels are perfect
  • My blood pressure is back to a normal range
  • I no longer look in the mirror and see a tired old lady! I have friends asking me “what the heck have you done?”
  • I lost a total of 31 lbs during the course of the 21 Day Reset and the month following with the Young and Raw 30 Day Meal Plan
  • I have regained my energy
  • My skin looks and feels amazing
  • The whites of my eyes got whiter
  • The dark circles under my eyes diminished

My happiness meter was way up there! I didn’t do this plan with the hopes of it being a weight loss plan that was just the bonus with purchase! All because of this plan. Food, recipes, menu and support.

When I say this is life changing it is, because I know it is. It feels “natural” to me, it feels easy.

I Not Only Regained My Health, I Regained ‘Who I Always Was’

It brings tears to my eyes, and a peace in my heart that this “chatty chick” can’t seem to convey properly, other than to say this cleanse was very therapeutic for me, not only on a physical level but an emotional one also.

If someone were to give a testimonial like this I’d think, ya, it’s a paid for endorsement. Haha, I “wish” but it’s not.

This is pure and simple gratitude for Young and Raw, for the people that worked hard to put this together, for making it simple, easy and complete.

Although I can’t attest to how anyone else may feel when they start and/or complete this plan, for this simple woman, it’s changed my life, and I thank you everyday for this!

To each and every one of you, if you’re like me, if you are thinking about it, If you’ve pondered why you felt like total crap for so long, your body, heart, soul and mind is trying to tell you what it needs!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Young and Raw! I will be your biggest fan, and I will share your plan with everyone I meet and know!

Humbly in your debt for the rest of my amazing life!!

Begin Your Own Transformation with the 21 Day Raw Food Reset Cleanse Here

Julie Wilson
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