Heirloom Lasagna

Heirloom Raw Vegan Lasagna
Heirloom Raw Vegan Lasagna

Heirloom tomatoes were a beautiful choice for this recipe because they are full of juicy, bold flavours and also a nice size to hold the lasagna together. Heirloom tomatoes are special because they have been passed on through generations of the same seed. High in Vitamin C, they offer 40% of your daily vitamin C intake and 20% of your daily Vitamin A content. These beauties are only about 35 calories, with 1 gram of protein and about 7 grams of carbs, so over all they aren’t a superfood but they taste great and are a nice light veggie that your body will most likely assimilate easily along with the other nutrition in your meal.

The Macadamia Truffle Ricotta was sweet, salty, with the perfect texture. Truly, I made this tonight because of our amazing fans of the Young and Raw Facebook page who voted for a new lasagna recipe, so here it is!

Raw Vegan Macadamia Truffle Ricotta Cheese
Raw Vegan Macadamia Truffle Ricotta Cheese

Macadamia Truffle Ricotta Cheese:

  • 2 Cups Macadamia Nuts
  • 2 lemons, juiced or squeezed (liquid only)
  • 1 tsp Truffle Sea Salt (if you can’t find it, try truffle oil instead, it really blows up the flavour in a great way)
  • 1 tsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/3 cup water

Instructions: Put all ingredients in the Vitamix and blend on medium, constantly mixing with your Vitamix tool until the consistency is thick, creamy and very fluffy!  If you need to add more water you can, but be mindful that the mixture thickens quite quickly and just a little too much water can have the cheese running … and we’d like it to stay for dinner 😉 haha.

Garlic Basil Raw Vegan Pesto
Garlic Basil Raw Vegan Pesto

Garlic Basil Pesto

  • 2 Cups Soaked and Rinsed Pistachios
  • 2 cups of Fresh and Rinsed Basil Leaves
  • 1/4 cup Cold Pressed, Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon Himalayan or Sea Salt
  • 1 small Clove of Garlic

Instructions: Put all ingredients into the Vitamix on low to medium and blend until you reach a thick, dark green pesto. This mixture was thick and delicious. If you’d like it a bit more runny you can add a bit more water, not recommended though.

Tomato Sauce

Recipe here: Red Pepper Marinara

For the Lasagna Noodles

  • 1 Zucchini
  • 1/4 cup fresh thyme and oregano
  • 1 lemon juiced or squeezed (liquid only)

Instructions: Thinly peel the zucchini with a peeling tool and place in the marinade. Set aside while you prepare all other ingredients.

Instructions for assembly!

Slice the Heirloom tomatoes into very thick slices, set the first layer in a dish or on a plate and with a serving tool or knife spread the cheese, then pesto, and marinara sauce, place one layer of the marinated zucchini and repeat until you have a double layered lasagna.

Mostly Eaten Heirloom Vegan Lasagna
Mostly Eaten Heirloom Vegan Lasagna

This is what it looks like half eaten, don’t you just love the way the colours and layers make it look like a real, authentic italian dish! I hope you try this one for yourself 🙂

Sheleana Aiyana