Hemp Seeds: Why You Should Be Eating Them

Hemp is controversial for several reasons, specifically when talking about cannabis. However, I’m talking about the nutty seeds that are loaded with health benefits. No matter where you fall on the spectrum with cannabis, the hemp plant can surely step up your health game.

Hemp seeds can be found at just about every grocery store – you might just have to look in the ‘healthy’ section. They’re loaded with both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for optimal brain function and development, proper immune system function, and helps to regulate blood pressure. They’re also a clean, protein source – just two tablespoons contains 10 grams of protein! So if you’re tired of using chia seeds or flaxseeds, give these suckers a try!

You’ll also find that they’re extremely high in both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. We need both for optimal health. Soluble fiber produces a jelly-like texture in our stomachs that allow for proper nutrient absorption, while insoluble fiber cleans us out and makes sure everything is working correctly.

If this hasn’t convinced you yet, keep reading. Hemp seeds are also loaded with minerals, such as calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc. Yes, calcium exists in plant foods! You’ll also find that hemp seeds are loaded with vitamin E. While vitamin E is crucial for both men and women to absorb, women have a bit more attraction to it. Vitamin E helps to repair damaged skin, balance hormones, and improve PMS symptoms. Alongside these benefits, this vitamin balances cholesterol levels and helps prevent disease development.

So these fatty acids and vitamin E in hemp seeds go hand-in-hand when talking about skin related issues. It’s like you’re getting a double dose all in one special seed.

One of the best benefits of hemp seeds, if you haven’t been sold already, is that they help reduce your risk of heart disease, which is the number one killer worldwide. So why not grab a bag and sprinkle some on top of your smoothie or pasta bowl? A bag could run anywhere from $6-$15, depending on the size and store you buy it from. However, they can last up to two weeks once opened, and there are tons of servings within each bag. Just make sure to refrigerate them once you’ve cracked the seal.

Be creative with your cooking, sprinkle these nutty seeds on top or within any recipe, and you’re destined for another delicious, healthy meal!

Erica Reichstein
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