Dairy-Free Mint-Chip Ice Cream Recipe!

Everyone needs a good dairy-free ice cream base recipe in their tool-box. If you’re allergic to dairy, it’s probably never been easy for you to have social gatherings without having to carefully watch what you eat. Try this easy base recipe and add in whatever other flavors and herbs you desire. If mint isn’t your thing, swap it out for something else. On a side and non-vegan ice cream note, if you do eat eggs and you have an ice cream maker, adding a few yolks to this recipe will make it extra rich and creamy and of course adds more healthy fats. With or without the yolks though, this recipe is a crowd pleaser even for dairy lovers.


  • 1 cup cashews, soaked and rinsed
  • 2 cups fresh local mint *mine was from Maui as that’s where we were at the time
  • 3 tbsp. lucuma
  • 2 tbsp. tocotrienols
  • 1 tsp maca
  • 1 tsp mesquite
  • 5 tbsp honey, maple syrup or agave nectar
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 cup cacao nibs (or more if you like)

Instructions: Without an ice cream maker – Place all ingredients in the food processor and mix until you reach a thick, creamy, consistency. It should be kind of doughy. Pour in the cacao nibs and mix by hand.

With an ice cream maker – Blend all of your ingredients together in a Vitamix or high powered blender and then put in your ice cream maker and set it for 25-45 minutes depending on how your ice cream maker works.


Sheleana Aiyana