My 4 “Must-Do” Self Care Rituals for Managing Endometriosis Naturally

Chronic pain and fatigue were ruling my life so I decided to get strategic and figure out what was happening in my body and what I could do about it. After many years of trials and experiments, these are the four ‘must-do’ actions I now take every day to keep my endometriosis under control.

1. Follow an anti-inflammatory diet

Since chronic inflammation is at the root of endometriosis, an anti-inflammatory diet is a good place to start. 

After all, we eat multiple times a day, and since food can either fuel or fatigue us, we have a lot of power at our fingertips already.

The more often you take yourself up on the opportunity to fuel yourself well, the more resources your body has to reduce inflammation and strengthen your immune system.

2. Use herbal remedies

The uterus is designed to contract, however, untoned muscles have a tendency to spasm, and this is what feels painful. Herbal medicine (prescribed by a medical herbalist) and teas can help tone the uterus, smoothing out contractions and so reducing painful spasms. 

Herbal medicine and teas can also be used to reduce heavy bleeding (I find raspberry leaf tea works wonders) and provide acute pain relief. Since there are a number of dangers associated with NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), herbal medicine can step in to provide an alternative option.

3. Practise gentle movement such as yoga 

Hardcore workouts can leave a struggling body even more fatigued, so try gentle exercise such as yoga instead. Not only does yoga provide the mental and physical benefits of regular exercise, but it also helps to instil a sense of peace, calm and deep relaxation. 

Since stress is at the root of ‘dis-ease’ in the body, yoga can help to restore ease of flow and get the blood, lymph and digestion moving. 

Yoga can also open up the pelvic area, and you may find relief through certain postures.

4. Schedule in “me time”

When we are chronically stressed and inflamed, our ‘flight or flight’ mode is activated. While this process is necessary for certain emergency situations, more and more of us live of lives in a perpetual state of tension and this is not sustainable. The physiological effect of this includes an increase in stress hormones, shallow breathing, increased blood pressure, muscle tension, decreased digestive power and an overactive mind. 

The body needs to be relaxed and in a state of ‘rest and digest’ to function optimally longterm. 

“Me time” doesn’t just happen. You have to schedule it in.

One of the best things I do for my body is a hot bath. Deep heat is a powerful pain reliever and combined with Epsom salts and essential oils (I like lavender and litsea) is a wonderfully relaxing treatment that can help dissolve stress, reduce inflammation, relieve muscle tension and instil a sense of calm and detoxify the body.

If you do use Epsom salts, be sure to moisture with a natural moisturiser such as coconut oil as it can leave your skin feeling dry. 

To help disperse essential oils in the bath, mix the drops in a little oil before putting in the hot water.

When I would normally be in pain or recovering from pain, I have been able to go climbing, caving, mountaineering, white water rafting and even trekking in the Himalayas.

So while there are many negative associations with endometriosis, and I understand and appreciate this, one good aspect is that you can learn to tune in with yourself and that truly is a gift.

Green Body Mojo