Superfood Reviews! Try PRANA’s Machu Pichu Trail Mix

Prana Review
PRANA Review

Snacks are part of a balanced diet, as long as they offer nutritional benefits that complement our meals.   Finding snacks that are healthy and nutritious is not always easy.  If you are looking for nutritionally dense super food snacks then PRANA got it right!  PRANA’s Machu Pichu, one of 3 new trail mixes, is a colorful and tasty blend made up of super foods such as, Incan Goldenberries, White mulberries, Brazil nuts, Goji berries and European pumpkin seeds.

The combination and balance of flavours pack a punch to the palate with sweet, tart and crunch. Packed with fiber, antioxidants, protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals, Machu Pichu provides a feeling of satiation, reducing the desire to nibble throughout the day. They will satisfy the cravings of a gourmet, while providing fuel for active people. Ideal on the go, slipped into the desk drawer, in your purse or in your backpack during outdoor activities.

Let’s take a look at some of the Machu Pichu ingredients and their properties:

Goldenberries are rich in fiber, protein, bioflavonoids, pectin and vitamins A, C, and B. These berries are a nutritional powerhouse with detoxifying antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

White Mulberries contain high levels of iron, calcium, vitamin C, fiber and proteins. Also containing the antioxidant Resveratrol, often recognized for its anti-aging effect.  This little berry is also great for helping to balance blood sugars.

Goji Berries have the highest concentration of protein of any fruit! Loaded with vitamin C and containing 21 trace minerals, they are also packed with fiber, calcium, zinc, selenium and 15 times the amount of iron found in spinach.Goji berries contain natural anti-inflammatory, anti- bacterial and anti fungal compounds.

European pumpkin seeds are harvested from ancient varieties of pumpkins, European pumpkin seeds are prized for their rich flavour and highly beneficial nutritional profile. These dark green seeds are a good source of protein as well as minerals like iron, zinc, magnesium and potassium.


Lesley Rubinoff
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