Summer Rolls with Mango Lime & Mint Dipping Sauce

Summer Rolls with Mango Lime & Mint Dipping Sauce-001

Simple, light, refreshing, and packed with minerals, this take on spring rolls is a summer favorite.

Serves: 2-3 (6-8 rolls)
Prep time: 25 minutes


Summer Rolls:

  • 6-8 rice paper wrappers (8 inches/20cm or larger)
  • 2 cups (500ml) peeled and julienned mango
  • 2 cups (500ml) peeled, seeded, and julienned English cucumber
  • 2 cups (500ml) peeled and julienned carrots
  • 2 cups (500ml) peeled and julienned green papaya
  • 2 cups (500ml) kelp noodles
  • 2 large handfuls of fresh cilantro with tender stems (cut off tougher bottom half of stems)
  • 2 large handfuls of fresh Thai basil leaves
  • 2 large handfuls of fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 cup (125ml) of mango, lime & mint dipping sauce

Mango, Lime & Mint Dipping Sauce:

  • Makes 1 cup (250ml)
  • 1 cup (250ml) peeled and coarsely chopped mango
  • 3 or 4 mint leaves, torn
  • Zest of 1/2 lime
  • 1 Tbsp (15ml) freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 tsp (5ml) cane sugar


Summer Rolls:

  1. Fill a large bowl with warm water and spread a kitchen towel on your work surface. Working with 1 rice paper wrapper at a time, soak wrapper in warm water just until pliable, about 30 seconds. Place it on the kitchen towel.
  2. Divide the julienned fruits and vegetables and the kelp noodles evenly along the center of each wrapper, layering your ingredients as you go. Repeat with most of the cilantro, basil, and mint, reserving some for garnish.
  3. Holding the end closest to you with both hands, fold it over the filling. Tuck it under the filling using your fingertips and gently pulling the wrapper taut. Fold in the sides, then tightly roll up the summer roll, squeezing the ingredients to get a tight roll. If the rice paper tears while you’re wrapping, just soak another wrapper and wrap it around the torn one.
  4. Place each roll as finished on a damp paper towel, and cover with another damp paper towel, to keep them from drying out. Cut each roll in half diagonally and garnish with the remaining herbs. Serve immediately with mango, lime & mint dipping sauce.

Mango, Lime & Mint Dipping Sauce:

  1. Combine all the ingredients in a blender.
  2. Blend on high until smooth and pourable.
  3. Keeps in a sealed container, refrigerated, for up to 1 week.

Credit: Thrive Energy Cookbook by Brendan Brazier – Publisher: Penguin Canada
Originally posted on the Vega Recipe Center

Brendan Brazier