This Vegan Chocolate Pudding Made from Acorn Squash is Mouth-Gasmic!

Acorn Squash Chocolate Pudding
Who knew you could make chocolate pudding from squash? This recipe is the perfect blend of sweet, creamy, silky and fluffy making for a mouth-gasmic dessert that will shock your guests when you tell them it’s made from a squash. Completely dairy free, you can serve this to those who are vegan or have dairy allergies. Use the finest ingredients for a health-conscious treat.

2 acorn squash, baked
1 can of coconut milk
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/3 cup coconut sugar
1/2 cup cacao powder
1 tbsp. vanilla extract
3 tsp. cinnamon
3 tbsp. coconut oil

Instructions: Heat oven to 350 degrees and baked squash for approximately 45 minutes. De-seed and scoop out the squash into a blender.

Add your other ingredients into the mixture and blend in high until smooth and set in the fridge for an hour or longer. Or serve right away for a warmer and thinner consistency.

Makes 5-8 servings in small jars.

acorn squash chocolate pudding This is the pudding before it’s popped into the fridge to set. You can serve it right away for a warm and thinner consistency or wait for it to set and become more firm with a thicker texture.  IMG_4751

Sheleana Aiyana