Want to Debloat or Reduce Inflammation? Try One of these Epic Green Smoothies!

Feeling bloated, inflamed or heavy is a symptom of an overloaded system. You might be searching for an answer that doesn’t cost a pretty penny or suck up all of your time. The good news is, simple green smoothies can help you debloat and reduce inflammation, or even lose weight! Not only that, but simple detox and weight loss green smoothies can be made budget friendly and all you need is a basic blender.

Debloat Weight Loss Green-Smoothie 1. Debloat Weight Loss Smoothie

  • half cup mango
  • half cup cucumber
  • handful of fresh basil
  • 1 cup water or coconut water

Easy Detox Smoothie

2. Easy Detox Smoothie

  • half green apple or pear
  • half cup spinach
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 tbsp. chia or hemp seeds
  • half cup water or coconut water

Simple Green Smoothie

3. Simple Detox Green Smoothie

  • 1 cup lettuce or kale
  • half lemon, peeled
  • half green apple
  • 1 kiwi
  • half cup water or coconut water

How to Prep:

  1. Choose organic wherever possible for your fresh produce. Fresh is best, no canned or packaged ingredients go into a green smoothie.
  2. Wash all of your produce and peel/core any necessary fruits and veggies before tossing them into your blender.
  3. Add your liquid of choice (water, coconut water, nut milk) and blend until smooth. You may find you need to add more liquid if you have a low powered blender.
Young and Raw
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