Cell Replenishing Green Juice for that “Raw Glow” Skin

Juicing is one of the most blissful experiences I indulge in on a daily basis. Juicing enables us to access an amazing array of phyto-chemicals in the fruits and vegetables we consume, loads of anti oxidants, vitamins and minerals. Some people use juicing as a way to give their digestive system a break, and take up a full juice day at least once per week, which is recommended. Others, do long juice feasts.

Some people use juicing as a way to give their digestive system a break, and take up a full juice day at least once per week, which is recommended. Others, do long juice feasts anywhere from 7 days to 6 months or longer. When I started juicing, I noticed a few things right away. For one, I had a lot of energy, probably because my digestive system was given a rest, and all of the nutrients I was drinking were easily absorbed into my body due to the removal of digestive

When I started juicing, I noticed a few things right away. For one, I had a lot of energy, probably because my digestive system was given a rest, and all of the nutrients I was drinking were easily absorbed into my body due to the removal of digestive fibers from the fruits and veggies. Second, my cravings for unhealthy food were reduced or even gone, I’ve found green juice is the key to sticking with a weight loss regiment and for me personally a workout routine as well. Third, my skin was GLOWING! You know how people are always talking about the “raw glow”, well I’ve got it baby! And everyone can have it, with a little juice;)

This juice is delicious, simple and packed with good stuff!

Equipment: Slow Juicer or Vitamix and Vegetable Bag to strain the fiber.


  • 1 stalk Celery
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1/3 cup Cilantro
  • 1/3 cup Parsley
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1-2 small slices of Ginger




Sheleana Aiyana