Indulge in this Epic Banana Cream Pie Smoothie Bowl! (Superfood Recipe)


My counter has been taken over by bananas lately.  That is not a bad thing either, I love them!  I eat them every day in fact with my breakfast, and they energize and refuel my body so I can get done what I need to do! My favorite way to enjoy them though, is in smoothies.  Like these banana cream pie smoothie bowls.

Why banana cream pie?  Well, it has always been one of my favorites and that was what I was craving.  So I made a creamy vanilla banana base that tasted like banana cream pie filling, and topped it off with some protein and omega 3 rich seeds (which I try to include every day in my diet), as well as some banana cream pie toppers I love like coconut and raw cacao nibs. I am always a fan of nutritious dessert for breakfast!

Banana Cream Pie Smoothie Bowl 

Serves 1


  • 3 large bananas, frozen and cut into pieces
  • 1/4-1/2 cup raw hemp milk or coconut milk (depending on how liquidy you like it, I like mine thick so I add less)
  • 1 Tbsp raw maca powder
  • 1 Tbsp raw lucuma powder (optional)
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • stevia to taste (or your choice liquid raw sweetener)
  • 1/2 sliced banana


  • sliced bananas
  • flaked dried coconut
  • bee pollen (optional, leave out if vegan)
  • cacao nibs
  • ground flaxseed
  • chia seeds
  • hempseeds

Instructions: for the smoothie, combine all ingredients except the sliced banana and toppings in a blender and blend until smooth, using the tamper to press the mixture into the blades. Pour into a bowl, stir in sliced bananas, and top with toppings (I used about 1 Tbsp of each).

Amy Lyons