Make Raw, Low Carb Noodles from Zucchini!

Low Carb Noodles from Zucchini!

Enjoy your pasta without the guilt. If you’re celiac, sensitive to wheat or gluten, if you’re trying out the paleo diet or even if you just want to lose weight and have more energy, cooked pasta from wheat or rice can weigh you down.

Enter, the spiralizer! This genius kitchen tool will help to save you calories and up the ante on your nutrition. From sweet potato noodles, to apple noodles, beet or squash and zucchini noodles, you can churn out many nutrient dense and low calorie pasta noodles.

Can’t afford another kitchen tool right now? You can still make zucchini noodles without a spiralizer. You can use a good ol’ vegetable peeler. A spiralizer will give you thiner curly-spaghetti like noodles, whereas a peeler will give you wider, thiner noodles, and it will take a little longer to prepare, but either way, both work well.


How to Make Raw Vegetable Noodles


  • 2 raw zucchinis, washed
  • 1/2 tsp himalaya seal salt
  • pinch of freshly ground pepper

Directions: Spiralize your zucchini, or alternatively, use your vegetable peeler to create long, thin strips. Set aside in a bowl and top with sea salt and pepper. Feel free to dress up your noodles (or zoodles) any way you like.

You can top them with a simple homemade tomato sauce, or maybe a delicious garlicky pesto.

The Spirooli looks a little complicated, but it’s actually very simple. You can do a little search on Youtube for a tutorial if you get confused.

Samantha Gladish
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