Mint Carob Soft Protein Ice Kreme

My philosphy on health is simple, keep your fat low, your carb intake high and your mindset positive. Leave the extremity and the all or nothing mentality to the  “religious raw foodists”. Enjoy life and the food you put into your body.

Part of my philospophy also includes eating a lot of ice kreme. And no, I’m not taking about artificial, pus filled ice cream that comes from an abused cow and gets sold in the grocery store freezers. I’m talking about ice kreme baby! Creamy, alive, organic and plant based ice kreme that’s low in fat made from frozen bananas infused with real flavours of virtually anything your little heart desires.

I was inspired to make this recipe after Caleb made me the most delicious mint carob smoothie with some fresh mint he brought home from the store with a pretty purple flower he picked for me on the way home. *aww* so here’s my ice kreme version:


2 Frozen Bananas
1 tsp. Spirulina
3 tsp. Carob
3 tsp. Lucuma
1/4 cup almond milk
5 fresh mint leaves

 Instructions: Put your bananas and powders in the Vitamix, add 1/4 cup of milk and blend on high for 15 seconds. Use your Vitamix tool to stir the mixture around and make sure you don’t have any chunks. Serve & enjoy!

3 Rawesome Facts about this Ice Kreme

1. Spirulina is 68% protein and is considered a “soft protein” because it has a chelating effect meaning it binds from carbs rather then fats. Spirulina is a great food for breast feeding mothers because it pulls heavy metals from the blood stream.

2. Bananas contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid for synthesizing protein and triggering seratonin production (happy chemical).

3. Mint is a powerful diuretic and cleanses toxins from the body.

Learn more recipes and tips like this in our 3 month course How to Go Raw, Not Crazy! We’re taking a few more student testers, so if you’d like more details on how you can get a discount on registration you can email us with the subject line “how to go raw”.

Sheleana Aiyana