Rainbow Walnut Fiesta Salad

Rainbow Walnut Fiesta Raw Vegan Mexican Salad
Rainbow Walnut Fiesta Raw Vegan Mexican Salad

After spending most of our day walking and exploring our beautiful city today, we were very hungry and wanted a simple yet delicious and energizing meal. This salad was quick, refreshing and enlivening! To play with this recipe, you can also put the salad filling into red cabbage as wraps, or ad some diced mango to the mix!

Equipment: Cutting Board, Salad Spinner, vegetable (cheese) grater

Salad Ingredients:

1/2 cup of red cabbage chopped

1 head of green cabbage chopped

1/3 cup cilantro

1 shredded carrot

1/2 purple onion diced

1/2 cup raw walnuts

Fiesta Salad Vegetables in Salad Spinner
Fiesta Salad Vegetables in Salad Spinner


3-4 avocados for guacamole recipe see here: https://www.youngandraw.com/fresh-guacamole/

Fresh Diced Avocado
Fresh Diced Avocado


Mix all ingredients except for the avocado in a large bowl. Top with guacamole or mashed avocado and enjoy!

Caleb making a funny face and eating the salad we just made together =)

Caleb Chowing Down on his Rainbow Walnut Fiesta Salad
Caleb Chowing Down on his Rainbow Walnut Fiesta Salad


Sheleana Aiyana