Equipment: High powered blender, Ideally a spirooli but we used a Mandelin!
“Penne” Ingredients:
6 small organic zucchini
2 tbsp pure virgin olive oil
1 tspn pink himilayan salt
1 tspn minced garlic

I have never made a raw Alfredo sauce before so I thought it would be fun to give it a go. First of all, we didn’t have a spirooli so we used a mandelin to slice the zucchinis like french fries. Then I chopped them up into little pieces like penne.
Let the noodles sit in a strainer for about 1 hour and squeeze out any excess water if needed. I poured the seasonings over top and because it’s hot here in Cali right now, I covered the bowl and put the noodles out on the deck to dehydrate in the sun!

Rawfredo Sauce Ingredients:
Note: Add liquid in small parts to get the desired consistency rather then pouring all of the liquid in at once.
1/2 cup raw macadamia nuts
1/2-1 cup of almond milk
1/3 cup of water
2 tbsp minced garlic
1 tbsp onion powder
1/2 cup fresh chopped basil
1/2 tsp pink himilayan salt
black pepper to taste
This recipe was kind of a “first time disaster” lol. I’ve revised the measurements above for you based on my own experience. This sauce should only take about 30 minutes to prep however it took me a few hours. Here’s why: I used way to many nuts so had to keep adding more liquid, it was a really heavy mixture for the vitamix and so it overheated and stopped. I then had to wait like 30 minutes for the vitamix to turn back on! This happened twice (embarrassed face).
I added too much salt and it was really intense. How to remedy this: Add more nuts (this is part of why I over did the nuts in the first place) and squeeze in acid: Lemon. After I did these things, the sauce tasted delicious. I recommend being mindful of your blender while you are making the sauce and if you notice it getting too hot turn it off and take a break.
Directions: How to do it the right way:
(please note that this recipe is actually very “easy” most of the time:)
Pour nuts and part water in with the rest of the ingredients, start on low and increase speed with more liquid. Notice your texture and increase the amount of liquid based on your desired consistency. Create a texture that spins in the Vitamix freely without your assistance and leave on medium to high until the sauce is warmed, taking breaks in between to let the blender cool down.
Pour sauce over noodles, garnish with raw sliced mushroom, sundried tomatoes and fresh basil!
Have fun with this one and enjoy!
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