Sandy’s Super Delicious Raw Choc Raspberry Fudge

Raw Chocolate Raspberry Fudge Brownies

Looking for a quick, whole foods based dessert that is sure to please your health food loving and your not so health food loving friends alike? This awesome fudge recipe will win over anyone who tries it.

Raw Choc Raspberry Fudge


  • 2 cups organic cashews
  • 2 cups desiccated coconut
  • 10 medjool dates, pitted
  • 1 cup organic cacao powder
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • ¼ cup of coconut nectar (maple syrup or honey)
  • ¼ cup cacao butter melted (optional, adds firmness)
  • ½ cup roughly chopped raspberries (drain if necessary)



  • ½ cup coconut nectar (maple syrup or honey)
  • ½ cup extra virgin coconut oil
  • ½ cup raw organic cacao powder
  • Pinch of sea salt


1. Blend cashews in food processor until finely ground. Add shredded coconut and process until well combined and fine in texture. Add pitted dates and process until a soft paste forms. Add cacao powder and pulse a few time to combine. Finally, add coconut nectar (if using cacao butter, add it now) and process until it’s a creamy texture, scraping down sides as needed.

2. Press half of the mixture into a small pan (8” x 10” – 20cm x 25 cm) lined with parchment paper.

3. Sprinkle a little coconut across base layer, then place raspberries down, then top with remaining fudge mixture.

4. Place in the fridge until firm while making ganache.

5. In food processor, blend together sweetener and coconut oil until well combined. Add cacao powder and pinch of salt and process until smooth, scraping down sides. Pour over fudge and spread until even.

6. Set in fridge for a few hours. Slice into squares and store in airtight containers in fridge or freezer. Delicious!!

Sandy Forster
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