Super-Coffee Cacao Ice Cream Recipe

Creatively put together with a blend of powerful raw superfoods and delicious ingredients, this is a flavor packed and mind blowing chocolate ice cream recipe sans dairy and other fillers you’ll find in the supermarket. The ice-kreme has a rich, potent taste with hints of coffee and dark chocolate in an icy, creamy texture.

Superfoods offer the body a host of nutrition that it may have otherwise missed due to poor soil quality or lack of nutrients in the daily foods we consume. Superfood herbs are “body balancers” as Food Matters so simply put it, that assist in the natural healing processes of the human body.

Our Master Smoothie Alchemist enjoying his own creation!

This ice- cream will not only taste amazing, it’s going to nourish your body on a cellular level. If you can tolerate cacao (there are a small percentage of us who cannot) than you’re going to be in absolute heaven with this one. You’re going to require a lot of superfood ingredients for this one, so if you don’t have them but want to get them, you can find most, if not all of them on

Or, if this recipe is too darn complicated for you and you don’t want to spend the money, click here for a simplified base recipe for dairy free ice cream that you can play around with instead.

  • 3 cups Ice
  • 1/4 cup Almond Milk
  • 3 Tbsp Cacao
  • 1 Tbsp Maca
  • 1/2 tsp Shilajit
  • 2 Tbsp Tocotrienols
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut Palm Sugar
  • 2-3 Tbsp Honey (or yacon syrup)
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Vanilla Bean
  • 1 Tbsp Lucuma
  • Pinch Himalayan Pink Salt

Instructions: Mix dry ingredients in bowl, put ice in Vitamix, add honey, pour dry ingredients on and blend on high using plunger to mix as it blends. Be careful with ice creams that you pay attention to how hard the blender is working. If you notice the Vitamix getting hot, turn it off for a couple of minutes to let it cool down and start again.



Sheleana Aiyana