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If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my career as a men’s relationship coach it’s that guys’ beliefs about what actually attracts women is pretty ass-backwards. Men have been raised with the false belief that they should always appear...
Many of us skip the first meal of the day in order to save a few extra calories or minutes in order to rush out of the door on time. Others complain that they don’t have much of an...
1. Quinoa Salad 1 cup cooked quinoa Add in any veggies or fruits you have on hand (cucumbers, sun-dried tomatoes, artichokes, MCT oil and rock salt) Handful of nuts or other proteins (almond butter, cinnamon, pecans, maple syrup, hemp seeds) Drizzled with MCT...
I used to love chai tea lattes! Although I try to stay away from caffeine and milk these days, I still love the flavour and aroma of the warming spices; ginger, cinnamon, cloves, etc. You can find plenty of non-caffeinated...
Chinese medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda (traditional Indian medicine) contain a vast array of health promoting herbs, but what if you already had some of these herbs in your spice cabinet and could cook with them to benefit from all...
You've undoubtedly heard about all the wonderful health benefits of tea, but are you drinking the recommended daily amount? And, do you really know how to make a proper cup? If you've ever had bitter tea, you might have turned...
  Your heart is a generator of Love. Every beat is Love. This is the default mode, the blueprint. Your head on the other hand, is a mess. About 90% of all your thoughts are of a negative kind, science say....
With online dating and booming big city populations changing the dating scene in a massive way, relationships are suffering. It’s easy to devalue intimacy when the frictionless market of dating allows you to get out of your current relationship and...
My Luscious Zucchini and Spinach Soup is a cold soup, but you can warm it up, if you prefer. This soup pairs well with any season. Oh Yeah!  2 cups (500 mL) zucchini, chopped 1 ½ cups (375 mL) fresh spinach ¼...
Over the past several months, I have been on a search for a new doctor. I am looking for a doctor that will work with me and my lifestyle and support my choices.  Every year, I make my current...