My Vegan Version of Crab Cakes & Wasabi Mayo on Raw Bagels

Raw Bagel Recipe

Whatever meal of the day, you deserve to treat your body to delicious, healing, and high-vibrational food. What main could be better, then, than this treat of (all raw and vegan) bagels, crab cakes, and a wasabi mayonnaise? It’s perfect for brunch, for snack, for a to-go lunch, or even as a light and appetizing dinner.

Such meal does require an extra bit of time in the kitchen in comparison to say, a salad! But having the patience for the fluffy almond-pulp and psyllium husk-based bread to dehydrate next to the savory, herb-infused crab cakes will reward your taste buds in tantalizing ways.

So what are you waiting for? Set aside twenty minutes, and before you know it, you’ll almost be finished with the task and will be one step closer to experiencing the benefits of making (delicious) food your medicine.


Raw Bagels

Preparation Time: 20 Minutes; 15 hours (dehydrate)

Serving Size: 15 Servings (May halve as this produces many bagels)


  • 1 Cup Almond Meal (Ground Almonds)
  • 1 Cup Sunflower Seeds (Ground)
  • 3 ½ Cups Flax (Ground)
  • 1 Carrot
  • 1 Large Red Bell Pepper
  • ½ Onion
  • 3 Cloves Garlic
  • ¾ Cup Herbs (Oregano, Basil, Thyme)
  • 1 ½ Tbsp Sea Salt
  • 1 Cup Olive Oil


  • Grind almonds, flax, and sunflower seeds in a Vita-Mix (dry) until a meal forms (must do separately). Transfer to a medium-sized bowl.
  • In a blender, combine all remaining ingredients – except 1/3 cup of fresh herbs– until smooth and creamy.
  • Pour into your bowl, combine with your hands. Add in the chopped olives, and mix in your fresh herbs.
  • Let sit for 15 minutes to thicken. Gather 1/4 cup of dough, roll into a ball, flatten, and make a hole in the center for your ‘bagel’. You may (optionally) sprinkle nuts and seeds on top, or leave them plain.
  • When all bagels have been made, dehydrate at 105 degrees for 12-15 hours (no Teflex needed) or until dry but not crunchy.

Store in an air-tight container in the fridge, or serve immediately

Raw Vegan ‘Crab’ Cakes

Preparation Time: 30 Minutes

Serving Size: 4 Servings


  • 2 ½ Cups Zucchini, peeled, shredded, and cut into ½ inch pieces
  • ½ cup Brazil Nuts, finely ground
  • ½ Cup Golden Flax, ground
  • 1 Yellow Onion, chopped
  • ¼ Cup Celery, minced
  • 3 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast
  • 2 ½ tsp Dulse Flakes
  • ¼ Cup Dill, minced
  • ¾ tsp mustard seed powder
  • ½ tsp Paprika
  • ½ tsp Sea Salt
  • ½ tsp Lemon Zest


  • Peel and julienne the zucchini, then cut into ½ inch pieces. Place in towel and pat dry.
  • Place zucchini into a large bowl and gently toss with brazil nut meal and flax meal.
  • Add remaining ingredients to bowl and gently mix together. Handle your mixture gently so it does not become too wet.
  • Use ¼ cup of mixture to create small cakes about 1 inch deep.
  • Place the cakes on a mesh dehydration sheet and set at125 degrees for 2 hours, then reduce heat to 105 for another 2 hours. (The 125 degree temperature will not destroy the nutrients and enzymes since the water content is so high in zucchini)
  • Serve the crab cakes warm from the dehydrator with a dollop of the wasabi mayonnaise. 

Wasabi Mayonnaise

Preparation Time: 5 Minutes

Serving Size: 4 Servings


  • 2 Cups Cashews, soaked 30 minutes
  • 1 ½ Cups Water
  • 1 Tbsp Garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp Onion Powder
  • 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice, fresh
  • 3 Tbsp Wasabi Paste
  • ¼ tsp Sea Salt
  • 1 Tbsp EVOO
  • 1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar


Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender, store in an air-tight jar for 5-6 days in the fridge.

Put it all together!

Once your bagels are done, slide out of the dehydrator and butter with creamy, cashew-based mayonnaise. Slice all of your favorite filling vegetables (avocado, tomato, cucumber, onion, and sprouts), and pile on two savory crab cakes before placing the other bagel on top.

Voila! You have successfully created a masterpiece. Pat yourself on the back and dive in!

Note: Such awesome fare might be most enjoyably consumed with those you love. The bagel with crab cakes could also partner very well with a savory soup of choice.

Amanda Froelich