Yes Please! This Strawberries and Cream Cake is Actually Healthy (and Dairy Free)


I made this cake for a party and there was not a piece left over. Everyone was surprised at how delicious this wholesome vegan recipe was. When Mother Nature provides you with nuts, fruit and coconut… who needs processed flour, butter or sugar? You can make amazingly tasty, healthy desserts and meals with nothing but a few simple, natural ingredients. Try this out for your next celebration, or for no special purpose at all! Cake does not need a reason! If you’d like to see more recipes like this one, check out my blog.


  • 1 cup walnuts
  • 1 cup dates
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch of Himalayan salt


  • 2 cups cashews
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 cup dates
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 1 cup water, as needed
  • 1-2 cups strawberries

To make the crust:

  1. Pulse the walnuts into powder in a food processor then add the rest of the ingredients and process until it begins to get sticky.
  2. Press into the bottom of a lined cake pan (mine’s adjustable and was about 7 1/2 inches) and put in the fridge.

To make the cream:

  1. Blend all the ingredients together – EXCEPT the strawberries – until smooth and thick, adding water if needed. Scoop out half the mixture into a bowl.
  2. Add the strawberries to the remaining mixture in the blender and blend until smooth and pink. You should probably taste it and blow your own mind right now.
  3. Drop scoops of each mixture onto the crust until you use them both up.
  4. Use a toothpick or chopstick to make a swirling motion through the cake to give it a swirled effect.
  5. Put in the fridge or freezer for 48 hours.
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