Happy Hormones Carob Super Protein Smoothie

This smoothie tastes like a combination of chocolate and vanilla cake batter all combined into one. The best part? The ingredients all blend beautifully to create hormonal harmony, mental focus and a better memory! Carob is a nutrient packed superfood, you can learn more about it here. Be warned – this smoothie recipe is expensive, if you can’t afford to go all out on superfoods, no worries. Just select a more simple smoothie recipe like this Dairy Free Peanut Butter & Carob Smoothie. 


  • 3 cups almond milk
  • 2-3 frozen bananas
  • 1 Pitted Date
  • 2 tbs. Pumpkin Protein
  • 2 tbs. Carob Powder
  • 2-4 TB Hemp Seeds
  • 1 tsp Maca
  • 1 tbsp Mesquite
  • 2 tsp. Lucuma
  • 1/2 tsp. Shilajit
  • 1/8 tsp. Bacopa Monieri
  • 1/8 tsp. Mucuna Pruriens
  • 1/8 tsp. Tribulus Terrestris

Instructions: Mix all powders together in a bowl. Add almond milk to vitamix first, turn on lowest speed. Slowly add in powder ingredients. Turn vitamix off. Add hemp seeds, date, and frozen banana. Blend on high for 20-45 seconds until you reach smooth creamy consistency.

5 Rawesome Facts about This Smoothie

1. Bacopa is a memory enhancing herb with anti-anxiety properties and has positive effects on brain, memory, mental deficiency, Alzheimer’s disease, learning skills, anxiety, depression, stress, epileps and ADHD children.

2. Mucuna Pruriens is an aphrodesiac herb used for increasing testosterone, aiding in weight loss and treating parkinsons disease (just to name a few of it’s natural talents.)

3. Use Mucuna to calm nerves, reduce inflammation and induce Dopamine in the brain and body.

4. Tribulus is also a libido enhancing herb that has been proven to balance hormones.

5. Shilajit which literally means “conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness” in Sanscrit is a master Ayurvedic herb that is said to enhance the medicinal power of all herbs and works to strengthen the body on a cellular level. It’s also got a rich coffee like taste so use sparingly.

Herb Usage: Things to Keep in Mind

  • We use herbs in their plant form from UltimateSuperFoods.com or RawGuru.com. Any resources I’ve given you to read about these herbs are not the actual sources we use to purchase the products.
  • I’m not a fan of supplements, I don’t recommend buying herbs in pill form, if I ever find an exception I’ll be sure to let you know.
  • Herbs and plants have powerful medicinal qualities and deserve your respect. It’s important that you learn more about the herbs you use in your smoothies and take proper dosages.
  •  If you have a history of cystitis or other health challenges, it would be wise to consult an herbalist who can work directly with you on your healing journey.
Sheleana Aiyana