5 Easy Steps to Improving Your Digestion

I am sure that most of you have heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” This is true to some extent, but a...

Should You Take Supplements On a Vegan Diet?

When people find out that I’m mostly raw vegan, it’s amazing how many of them ask where I’m getting all of my nutrients. They...

Top 5 Reasons Every Athlete Should Go Organic Raw Vegan!

Living my dream and working as a professional athletic trainer and a lifestyle consultant, I have helped many people convert to a plant based...

How to Save Time in the Kitchen and Have More Freedom!

If you are anything like me, then you don't have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen. As much as I love...

Eat these 5 Raw Foods for Naturally Beautiful Skin

It seems that wherever I look these days, we are being bombarded with advertisements for beauty products that all claim to make our skin...

Protect Yourself from Dangerous Toxins by Eating Real Food

I read a pretty shocking statistic today, that more than 12,000 man made chemicals are added to our foods by manufacturers! How scary is...

7 Easy Non-Dairy Sources of Calcium For You and Your Kids

Calcium is a very important mineral in anyone’s diet; especially children who are growing and developing everyday. It’s a vital mineral for bone formation...

7 Healthy Facts About Raw Pumpkin Seeds

Most of us throw them away, but did you know those small green seeds that are often thrown away from a pumpkin are actually...

Watermelon Detox Smoothie

Whenever you have access to organic watermelon, scoop some up! An amazing, super hydrating fruit,  full of nutrients for healthy skin, organs and of...

Surprising Reasons Why People Fail with Raw Foods

In my experience with coaching people to eat more healthily and incorporate more raw foods into their diet, I have noticed a few trends...