Dairy Free Wild Blackberry Ice Cream by Edible Goddess

Wild Blackberry Ice Cream

Making ice cream at home feels like such a treat. It’s actually quite simple, and takes as much time as it does to get in the car, drive to an ice cream place, and go through the whole experience. It’s super fun and empowering to be able to make your own healthier versions at home, and customize the desserts to your desires.
This ice cream takes advantage of the yummy blackberries that are in season now (hooray summer!) and you’re welcome to replace them with organic strawberries or blueberries if you wish. The addition of superfoods gives the overall flavor of the ice cream something extra delightful that triggers memories of eating ice cream as a kid. It’s the combination especially of the creamy milk used, fruit, and goji extract that lend to this special flavor. Mmm! Let’s dig in.

2 frozen large organic ripe bananas
1-1.5 cups wild harvested blackberries or store bought organic ones
3/4 cup coconut milk OR 1/2 cup organic raw cream OR 1/2 cup non-dairy nut mylk OR 1-2 more frozen bananas
1 teaspoon Goji Joy (sugar free goji berry extract = concentrated happiness)
1 teaspoon Maca Bliss (creamy potent dual extraction of black maca root)
swirls of 100% pure organic maple syrup, to taste
pinch of high quality sea salt (bring out the sweetness & enhance flavors)

1. Blend all ingredients together in a Vita-Mix until mixed very well.

2. Transfer to an ice cream maker and let it run for 15-30 minutes depending on how fast it thickens and becomes the consistency you prefer.

3. If you do not have an ice cream maker, put the ice cream is a medium size bowl and place in the freezer, stirring every 5 minutes until it’s ice cream consistency!

To get the real ice cream consistency where it scoops out and looks like you bought it at Baskin Robbins, one would use the coconut milk or organic raw cream. Dietary preferences are up to you!

Add toppings of choice … you know what mine will be! CHOCOLATE GOLD! Pictures were taken prior to dousing the ice cream joyfully with the Black Maca Chocolate Gold (fudge-y love sauce) that goes so well with the flavor of this ice cream. You may scoop it out and spread as you wish over the ice cream, or melt it at a lower temp so it’s easy to pour out. Eat your bowl with such joy that the possibilities of healthy homemade ice cream exist!

Other Potential Toppings:

  • chopped or shredded Chocolate Goldies
  • raw cacao nibs
  • fresh local bee pollen
  • chopped local fruit
  • raw coconut shreds
  • heirloom organic raw chocolate chips (I’m currently selling in bulk only)

What else would you put on your scrumptious bowl of delicious delight?

With each spoonful of Chocolate Gold, you receive:
Energy + Happiness + Immunity + Joy + Longevity + Youth + Mental Clarity + Sensuality + Vitality + Well-Being + Peace + Love + Activation + Bliss + Healing + Upliftment + Freedom + Exhilaration

Bethanne Wanamaker