Probiotics, Antioxidants and Healthy Fats, Oh my! Coconut Yogurt and Strawberry Chia Jars

Coconut Yogurt Cacao Strawberry This healthy chia treat is rich in probiotics from coconut yogurt, healthy fats and a little bit of sweetness. And don’t forget antioxidants from the cacao! You can make these decorative by using mason jars and bring them to outdoor picnics, events, or bring them out a a dinner party. Eating healthy is delicious. Fuel your body with food that energizes you, nourishes you and gives you energy for your day.

Makes 2-3 servings

Strawberry Filling:
1 cup strawberries
3 tbsp. chia seeds
1 tbsp. maple syrup, yacon syrup or honey (optional)
OR – 2 pitted dates
1 tbsp. lucuma powder
1/2 tsp. vanilla bean or extract

Instructions: Blend ingredients together except for the chia seeds. Mix your chia seeds in at the end and let sit until they form a chia gel.

Coconut Yogurt: Get the recipe here.

Instructions: Layer your jars or bowls with coconut yogurt, strawberry filling, chopped walnuts and cacao nibs. You can also add more sliced nuts, dried or fresh berries.

Sheleana Aiyana