Spice Up Your Life with this Raw Chocolate Pumpkin Pie Smoothie!

I love vegetables for breakfast. But it’s not what you might think. As the founder of Breakfast Criminals, I’m known for delectable smoothies and smoothie bowls, and my philosophy is all about having fun with your food. When you approach cooking creatively, your meal comes out tasting (and looking!) so much better, nourishing both your body and your soul. So it’s no surprise that having a zucchini, pumpkin and raw cacao on hand, I came up with this incredibly satisfying chocolate pudding of a breakfast. Enjoy!


  • 1 small peeled zucchini
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
  • 2 tbs raw cacao
  • 1 tbs. maca for energy boost
  • 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
  • 1 tbs. raw tahini (or nut butter) for creaminess
  • 2 dates
  • 1 cup almond milk

Instructions: blend all ingredients until smooth. Serve with pumpkin seeds for a crunch, cinnamon, and love.

Ksenia Avdulova