Stress Reducing Cool Berry Smoothie

Stress Reducing Cool Berry Smoothie
Stress Reducing Cool Berry Smoothie

It’s no fun feeling stressed, but in the moment it may seem impossible to shift your state. Did you know that certain foods and herbs can actually have a calming effect? Lettuce for example, can help you relax and even sleep if you’re having a rough night. You can simply juice lettuce, or you can blend it with these other lovely ingredients loaded with minerals and antioxidants to boost your overall feeling of well-being.

4 Reasons to Enjoy a Stress Reducing Cool Berry Smoothie:

1. Lettuce is high in Vitamin A which is excellent for the skin, it’s also high in fibre flushing out excess toxins from your body making you look healthier and more vibrant. It also has a calming effect on the body and can promote rest and relaxation.

2. Blueberries are high in anti-oxidants which help protect your skin from free radicals and aging. Throw out the toxic skin creams and get your smoothie on! (And no, blueberry supplements will not do, get the real thing).

3. Cucumbers are notoriously known for their skin healing properties that include reducing inflammation and cleansing the body with their high water and fiber content. They can even help with eczema!

4. Coconut water is the only liquid on the earth you can inject into your blood stream directly. In World War II it was used on the battle field for blood transfusions. Coconut water acts as a carrier, bringing more nutrients to your cells so it’s a great addition to smoothies which are already packed with nutrition.


  • 1-2 cups lettuce of choice
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1-2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1-2 cups coconut or regular water

Directions: Wash your produce, chop and then blend together until you reach the consistency you desire.

What are some other foods and herbs you use to reduce stress and re-fresh yourself?


Sheleana Aiyana