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I love coconut milk for so many reasons.  It's rich in medium chain fatty acids which are gentle on the liver and nourishing for the skin, hair and nails.  It has anti-microbial properties due to its lauric acid content...
Sea veggies and sprouts are among the most nutrient dense foods you can eat. Sea veggies are rich in minerals which help to alkalize the body, along with a whole host of other functions. They are also high in...
This recipe looks beautiful and tastes like you slaved in the kitchen all day, but it is really a snap to make and comes together very quickly. The flavours in this pie are bright and it will be sure...
Your body is speaking to you all the time. Your body is your interface, that thing that connects your inner world - your thoughts, feelings, emotions - with the outer world. Your body can be an amazing tool to...
Ginger is a true super herb. It's a carminative herb, which means that it will help to clean, as well as heal the digestive tract. In Ayurveda, ginger is a common ingredient in meals, teas and soups because it...
Green soups are an easy solution to lunch on the go, and they also serve as simple and light meals when you're cleansing. If you feel like you need to give your digestion a break, try blending up some...
Get glowing skin in a glass! A carefully crafted combination of skin loving fruits, veggies & herbs that will support healthy skin,  hair and nails. Ingredients:  Half a pear 1 lime, juiced 1 cup cucumber 4-5 parsley leaves 1 handful of mint leaves 2-3 drops vanilla...
Adding these five spices to your food stimulates your brain's satiety center, making weight loss easier. Remember that if you're using these spices to lose weight, it is best to combine them with a healthy lifestyle of wholesome foods,...
Insomnia is a condition where a person has a difficult time falling asleep at night or staying asleep through the night. This condition is more common than you might think with anywhere from 30-50 percent of the world population...
Acid reflux is a relatively common issue. When the sphincter at the top of your stomach (also knows as the lower esophageal sphincter or LES) does not fully close, or does not stay closed as food is being churned...