10 Ways To Keep Your Social Life Without Sacrificing Your Health

Throughout time, humans have become accustomed to many traditions that involve food. Holidays, birthday parties, funerals, weddings, baby showers, graduations, job promotions, you name...

7 Strategies To Overcome Food Cravings

Food addiction is an epidemic, and yet it continues to fly under the radar. Every day we are bombarded by marketing messages that link...

Take this Quiz: Top 11 Signs Your Body Needs a Detox

Where Do Toxins Come From? Toxins come from almost everywhere these days. They can be ingested through your food, breathed in through the air, absorbed...

Thriving In Love: Practices for a Vibrant Healthy Relationship

When it comes to our relationships, most of us want them to be harmonious, happy and enjoyable. In the first article I explained the...

Holy Basil Naturally Lowers Cortisol and Anxiety Levels

Holy basil is a plant native to Southern Asia. This plant is also sometimes known by its sanskrit name "Tulasi" or "Tulsi" which means...

How Raw Food Changed My Life After A Gastric Bypass Didn’t

Starting in 3rd grade I can remember being bigger than all the other kids. But then as the years passed I continued to get larger...

How I Lost 71 lbs with Green Smoothies and Raw Food Cleansing

I found Young and Raw via Facebook last January and signed up for the February 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge. I wanted to lose...

Free: 1 Day Super Green Detox by YoungandRaw.com

Experiencing sugar cravings, fatigue or an unwanted sloth-like feeling? This one day detox plan was designed to support all of your elimination organs, with a...

6 Winter Immune Boosting Tips

1. Avoid Processed Foods: Avoid refined sugar and processed foods. Refined sugar is toxic to the body which among other things dramatically decreases immune function. Eating...

The #1 Power Tool For Relationship Success

It’s the month of love and when most of us think of love we think of relationships. With this focus on relationships we are...